Walls as we all know have been the defining points of any and all kinds of structures. Walls represent the extent of any structure ( horizontally and vertically ). However, not all walls are the same. They differ based on need and use.
So, let's look at the different types of walls:
- CAVITY WALL: As the name suggests, the wall consists of two leaves with space between them. These two leaves are joined with metal ties to make them function as one. As for the cavity, it is left free to impart insulation properties to the wall.
- CURTAIN WALL: This type of wall cannot bear the structure's load, so they are paired with vertical or horizontal members who act as load distributors.
- LOAD BEARING WALL: This wall is designed to carry the load of the structure along with its self-weight.
- PANEL WALL: This type of wall is installed to withstand lateral loads and wind loads. Aside from that, they cannot bear the load of the structure.
- PARTITION WALL: This is an interior, non-load bearing wall which is usually one story or half story high.
- SHEAR WALL AND CROSS WALL: This type of wall is designed to withstand only horizontal loads. The walls normal to shear walls are called Cross walls.